Lake Havasu City's biggest news stories in the last year caused people in this town to have discussions, sometimes heated discussions. The local news paper, the Herald and the local news talk radio station KTNR AM980 kept the citizens talking. This web page contains some of the stories [and some others that I found amusing]. Some names and facts have been biased to distort the Truth.... No doubt, you're use to this.
Lake Havasu City's
Tourist Bureau
...Lake Havasu City's Tourist Bureau touts the town and the Lake as being a wholesome place to take the family...

Lake Havasu City is a tourist destination. Tourist dollars drive the main economy for the area. The Tourist Bureau tries to drum up business for the town. I guess that Lake Havasu Tourist Bureau advertises in several media areas, magazine ads, radio and television commercials, etc. Living here - we never see the bulk of them.

The Lake Havasu Tourism Bureau recently 'upgraded' their web site The 'old ' web site cost $37,000 to develop and was only used for two years. It was terribly designed and a nightmare to navigate, a prime example of the management that was responsible for it.

The management also wanted to bring a statue of Margaret Thatcher to Havasu in order to promote Tourism. To many people here [and in Britain] this was a joke. The statue was to be 'on loan' until a future time of when the statue will be sent back to Britain. Another half baked idea from our Tourism Bureau. We are not surprised.

California`s Energy shortage has caused Power producers to build Power Plants here in Arizona where the restrictions are eased.
The Griffith Power Plant
I personally believe that building the plant was a mistake. The water table in the area cannot withstand the demands of a 780 Mega Watt Plant. The County Supervisors were convinced that it was a honey of a 'deal' tax-wise and pushed the plant through. One supervisor, Buster Johnson more or less forced his will on the only supervisor that did not agree. He told us all that the plant would supply jobs and a tax base for the county. Well, the plant got built. No jobs went to local people to speak of. The Contractor came from outside the county. Only support service jobs were created - you know the type I mean. The extra few hired at Mc Donalds and Motel 6 in Kingman. I wrote a little ditty in my web page as follows:

The numerous new local jobs that the Griffith Power Plant that Mohave County Supervisor, Buster Johnson promised, is coming to pass. Skilled workers from Las Vegas and Phoenix are filling the motels of Kingman. New positions at Mc Donalds and Burger King are opening up for the citizens of Kingman. Rumors that the Kingman Motel 6 will also expand their Staff are also circulating.

Editors Note: Funny, how only one supervisor cared about the real interests of the County [the condition of the water table] and she was browbeaten by old Buster. The Power Plant ended up employing a handful of people. The skilled positions were staffed by people brought in by Duke Power. Several menial positions were staffed from local sources. The Pilot Truck stop at I40 and Hwy 95 employs more local people than that. Meanwhile, the water table drops for our future generations. Ironically, the 'cheap' power [Buster said] the plant will produce for Mohave County will actually go to Southern California or Phoenix due to power de-regulation. The local utility company cannot financially compete for the electricity it produces. What do residents of the county receive? Several jobs, a little tax relief and a depleated water table for the citizens of Golden Valley in ten years. Judas was content with 20 pieces of Silver. Thanks for planning ahead Buster.

Followup 2004:

I guess that Buster had a falling out with the Griffith deal [much to his credit]. The Power Plant has produced a minimum of revenue, the County is on the verge of bankruptcy due to getting start up capital. As a Taxpayer - I'm outraged. Buster's political future on the ropes too...

Local Gasoline Prices
I wrote about this 18 months ago in my web page. The problem is that it's worse today !
Mohave County. Gasoline prices here have been at the highest levels and are considerably higher than other parts of rural Arizona. When asked about this, representatives of the local fuel outlets stated that it was because of California [whose fuel prices were even higher ]. "Californians would pay $.15/gal less in Lake Havasu than in their home state - so they haul ass over here to buy it.", the spokesman said. "We thought it was only fair that they pay more here in Lake Havasu, so we jacked the price up so they wouldn't get such a bargain ! Pay through the Nose
The local retailers supported this action and tacked in a few cents more to show solidarity. Now the Californians save only $.06/gal when they drive over ! We are doing this as a favor to the citizens of Lake Havasu City."

Editors Note: I've seen Gasoline up to $.25/gal less in Kingman and Bullhead City [even less in Phoenix] for the same gasoline -- for what we are paying in Lake Havasu City! It's not a matter of logistics, as Kingman or Bullhead City is an hour's drive away - It's a matter of greed...

Followup 2004:

I thought that I was being 'cute' writing this up in the web page earlier. In the mean time, other people in Havasu have been vocal on this issue. The Herald ran several articles on it. The retailers swear in the Paper that it is due to shipment costs. I ran the figures comparing the same costs for Kingman and Bullhead City to Havasu. After running the totals for myself -- it totals up to bullshit [and GREED]. Just another greedy local merchant taking advantage of visitors and locals...

Nothing I hate more than Shady Real Estate Promoters and Agents??? Can't think of any...
Shady Real Estate Deals
No, this is NOT the Beach Lake Havasu City. Body Beach, Local favorite spot for free lake access by boaters and after hours party spot for Havasu's youth is being considered as a new site by outside Money Investors for a Guest Recreation Center/Marina. Locals are up-in-arms about losing the only free access to the lake.

Followup 2004:

The Beach is history. And, yes, money did exchange hands. Little was said about it.

Speaking of Real Estate, during the last two years property values here in town have skyrocketed. The reason? The town is being built out. How much difference in price you ask? How about Double. I'd hate to be looking for real estate in Lake Havasu right now. It's HOT and a Seller's Market. We get E-mail from people asking us questions about Havasu. Recently, many questions asked are on Real Estate and moving here. Althought I make no recommendations on Stock Tips, Politics and Real Estate, my wife's French Poodle does. She recommends this Realtor. For those of you who want to know some of the demographics of Lake Havasu can do so here.

Odds and Ends
Semi-true stories about some of the events here in Lake Havasu.
Desert Springs. Our suburb to the north, has a new Pigeon Refuge area. Orville and Rita Boscoe, residents of Desert Springs, have enticed hundreds of the winged wonders to converge on their modest mobile home. Their attentive efforts have enabled the Pigeon population to increase dramatically for the entire region. Way to go Orville and Rita !!! Owners of the Mexican Restaurant 'La Casa De Trots' here in lake Havasu have seen a marked increase in the number of birds roosting in the vicinity of their Dumpster. Business for the establishment is growing too, as they have expanded their Menu to include more 'fowl' dishes. Bob's Auto Washerama in Desert Springs is doing a brisk business.

Lake Havasu City. Local officials and business owners are preparing for the annual Snowbird migration due at any time . WaltMart manager, Tom Neuhaus stated that plans were being made to install power/water/sewer outlets in the parking lot so Winter visitors would not need to 'dry camp' in the parking lot anymore. The lot rent would be $8.00/night or $6.50/night [if they were Scam Club Members], Neuhaus said. Mace Hardware and JD Pennys were negotiating the fees for the 'cars for sale' portion of the parking lot. Lester's All-you-care-to-eat Buffet was also gearing-up for the hordes of hungry geriatrics. Blake Johnson at Geezertronics RV supply said that they were getting ready as well.

Editors Note: For Winter Visitors whom still preferred to 'dry camp', The wash located north of the Airport was being outfitted with a Dumpster and Port-o-john's. The area should be re-named to 'Quartzsite North'...Happy camping!

Followup 2004:

The Hearld did a story on the Snowbirds that 'dry camped' north of town. They are the same people that camp there every Winter, mostly Canadians. I can say that they kept their camping area tidy and did not 'trash' the area in general. In other words, 'Great Visitors' . The City has banned overnight parking up at the WalMart
Shopping Center - before that it was common place to see an RV [or two] camped in the lot. I could never understand why anyone would buy a $50K+ Motorhome and end up camping in the WalMart parking lot? America, you gotta love it... By the way, RV camping in the Havasu area is not that popular and limited at best. One of the more popular RV Parks was purchased by LaMesa RV to be used as an RV sales lot. Many of the residents of the park were pissed when the new owners notified them to leave. I guess that I would be pissed off too. The RV Winter visitor is usually going to Quartzsite or Yuma anyway. We see more dry camping in the surrounding areas North and South of town every year.
By far, the biggest story out of Lake Havasu City was the proposed Sewer System.
The Sewer System
Lake Havasu City has been growing ever since I got here. It's become so large as to cause the State of Arizona to address the growth issue. Most, if not all, of the homes in Havasu are on Septic Tanks. The State threatened to ban all new construction for Havasu unless the City had a plan in place. The plan being a new Sewer System. The local Realtors and Contractors were up in arms - no building permits equates to no jobs for them. The proposed cost of the Sewer System being +400 Million Dollars. The citizens of Lake Havasu had to vote on such an issue. The Realtors and Contractors mounted a massive publicity campaign to 'educate' the voters. The local media was in 'lock step' with them. The citizens were more or less scared into supporting this proposal. The Sewer Bond proposal was passed. I can't help but think that this was 'forced' on the people 'as-is'. I see that the citizens were sold an expensive Bill of Goods for a system that will benefit the promoters. Yes, we will need a Sewer System - but not the one that was proposed. Half of Lake Havasu City is miles away from the River and is at least a thousand feet above the water table. Was a full blown Sewer System needed for these area[s]?
I don't think so.
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