Anatolian Shepherd Dogs
The Anatolian Shepherd Dog Is an ancient breed
The Anatolian Shepherd Dog Is a fierce, hardy, independent livestock guardian dog
The Anatolian Shepherd Dog Is a large, loyal, and dependable family and property protector
The Anatolian Shepherd Dog Is beautiful, intelligent and impressive
The Anatolian Shepherd Dog Is fast, agile and possesses great endurance
The Anatolian Shepherd Dog Is calm, confident and alert
The Anatolian Shepherd Dog Is suspicious of strangers, reserved in public, and requires introduction to new people
The Anatolian Shepherd Dog Is NOT a herding dog
The Anatolian Shepherd Dog Is NOT the dog for everyone
The Anatolian Shepherd Dog Owner Is able to give a lifetime commitment and a tremendous amount of time and love
Lost Armadillo Ranch Anatolians
is dedicated to perserving the working ability, soundness and intelligence of the
Anatolian Shepherd dog