(C) Cumberland County Master Gardeners Association, 2009
~~~ How to Use this CD ~~~
You will navigate this CD just like a website, using your internet browser software (such as MS Internet Explorer).
Each plant has its own description page, with a picture. You open those pages by clicking on a link that will be found on a listing page, such as the "Trees" list.
When you are on a plant detail page, there is a link at the bottom that will return you to the List of Plants by Common Name. Alternately, you can use your Browser software's "Back" function (i.e. Back Arrow) to go back to the prior page that you viewed.
To print any page, when on that page, use your browser's print function (i.e. File | Print ).
Here is a link to the main Links page to get you started.
When you are done, just close your browser software.
To start this CD again, reinsert it in to your PC and it will automatically start up.