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Companies with Web Sites
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Other Web Pages with Company information
www.babybusiness.com Links to baby related businesses and product lines, and many other baby related links.
members.tripod.com/~Eema/Mommies.html A links page.
www.members.tripod.com/~jkeri/babyfreebies.htm A large list of baby freebies and company phone numbers. No fancy graphics, just lots of links and phone numbers to all kinds of free baby and pregnancy items. If you are in to freebies, there are links at the bottom of the page to other freebie lists.
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Companies with Web Sites
www.babiesrus.com Home page for the baby superstore, page only features a store locator. Go to www.toysrus.com where they have a baby registry and online ordering.
www.beech-nut.com Beech-Nut home site. Information about their baby food and tips on when and what to feed your baby.
www.centuryproducts.com Home page for Century. Info about their products, how to buy a car seat, safety and more.
www.childcraftind.com Home Page for Child Craft furniture.
www.combistrollers.com/index.htm Home page of Combi Strollers.
www.drypers.com/ Drypers baby diapers home page.
www.evenflo.com Evenflo baby products. Nice site has lots of info, on products as well as safety tips, pregnancy and baby care. Including recall info on their own products. They have a "find the hidden hot button within the site" contest, win Evenflo products, 70 winners per month.
www.gerber.com Gerber baby food home page, some information on health.
www.heinzbaby.com Heinz, the food company, resource for infant nutrition and feeding. They offer a Baby Club, receive nutrition booklets and coupons. Sign up and be entered in their monthly drawing.
www.huggies.com Explore Huggies World. Info about Huggies diapers, plus some tips for parents and contests for free Huggies.
www.jcpenney.com Penney's online store.
www.kidcarpet.com Kids' carpets and rugs that make great educational furnishings for children. They are perfect for decorating family rooms, playrooms, childrens bedrooms, schools, waiting rooms, and childcare centers.
www.meadjohnson.com Makers of Enfamil. Informative site with links. Enroll in their Enfamil Family Beginnings program for coupons and specials.
www.mwfp.com/ Fisher Price home page.
www.orajel.com Orajel's home site. Info and tips. Coupons and rebates available.
www.pampers.com Pampers Home Page.
www.parentsclub.com Triaminic home site. Info about coughs and colds, links, even games for kids. Sign up for the club and get specials and freebies.
www.pfizer.com/chc Makers of Desitin, RID, Cortizone and Bain De Soleil, Visine. Includes Q&As with helpful info.
www.pull-ups.com The Pull-Ups home page. Includes toilet training info etc.
www.oshkoshbgosh.com OshKosh B'Gosh home site. Baby clothes and accessories.
www.romsoft.net/~simo Home site for Simo Strollers.
www.rubbermaid.com Home Page for Rubbermaid. Click on logos for Graco and Little Tikes to visit those product lines.
www.sears.com Sears online store.
www.similac.com Homepage for Similac formulas and their Welcome Addition Club, receive free formula, coupons, etc.
www.tollyjoy.com.sg Tolly Joy baby products site. Online catalog. They have an Obstetric Chart (used to quickly determine due date via LMP) and an immunization chart.
www.pampers.com/ppi Total Baby Care - Pampers Parenting Institute. The Pampers site, lots of parenting info, with a section by T. Berry Brazelton.
www.Toysrus.com Toys 'R' Us online, they also have a baby registry.
www.verybestbaby.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Carnation From Carnation Baby Formulas, this site provides general pregnancy, and baby information, with emphasis on health and nutrition. After you click on Pregnancy or Baby's First Year buttons on the first page, you will get a break down of the information available, click on each sections heading to go to a menu of articles on that subject. Also from the front page is the Highlights By Age button, click on the age of your baby for information about your baby's development. You can also sign up for a free subscription to their "The Very Best" magazines. For a convenient and quick overview of the site, click on the site map link on the first page.
www.welcomeaddition.com Similac's Welcome Addition Club. Receive free formula, coupons, etc. www.similac.com will take you to this address.
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Company Phone Numbers
Carnation.................................................... 1-800-242-5200
Gerber......................................................... 1-800-4-GERBER
Heinz........................................................... 1-800-872-2229
Johnson & Johnson.................................... 1-800-526-3967
Kimberly Clark (Huggies)......................... 1-800-544-1847
Kmart......................................................... 1-800-533-0143
Mead Johnson (Enfamil)........................... 1-800-BABY-123
Proctor and Gamble (Luvs & Pampers)... 1-800-285-6064
Ross Labs (Similac).................................. 1-800-BABYLINE
Toys 'R Us................................................ 1-800-Toys-R-US
Triaminic................................................... 1-888-935-5543