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www.4babies.com Part of the 4Internet 4Storefronts, 4babies is a links list. There are several parenting related lists, scroll down to the last box to see 4children, 4kidshealth, 4toys among others.
www.abcparenting.com The ABC's of Parenting is devoted to providing web surfers with reviews and ratings of websites of interest to families and parents-to-be.
Babies Online FREE Birth Announcements - Create a web page for your new baby, complete with pictures, instantly and for free! Tons of other great (and free!) stuff for new and expectant parents too, so check it out!!
www.baby-place.com Baby Web. A links page.
www.babybag.com A full featured site with lots of content. Departments include pregnancy, childbirth, parenting, family fun, health and more. Lots of links. They have a "yellow pages" of baby related companies. They have an online catalog, to go direct: www.babybag.com/boutique/index.htm
www.babybumpers.com Baby Bumpers is the name of a company providing Hearthguards, protects children from fireplaces. They have a links page at: www.babybumpers.com/otherint.htm
www.babybusiness.com Links to baby related businesses and product lines, and many other baby related links.
www.babycenter.com A large site with lots of content, much like an online magazine. Lots of pregnancy, baby, and parenting resources. Articles, information, "Ask the Experts", plus input from parents. They have message boards and chat rooms to connect with other parents. Offering a customizable personal page, an Internet Explorer 4.0 channel, and a searchable web site. They have several interactive tools, such as due date calculators, cost calculator, namers and more. Sign up to receive a monthly news letter. Other features include links, yellow pages, a glossary, product guides and recalls, parent polls and more.
www.babydoc.com Site for The Pediatrician's Library, a set of video tapes, recordings of birth classes given by Dr. John O'Connell. There is also a bimonthly article by the Doctor, and a links page.
www.babyguard.com BabyGuard is a company providing child proofing and safety products.
www.babyholder.com Mother's Nature, baby slings and other products.
www.babylink.com A links page. Not to many the day we were there and some of their links are empty and others don't work.
www.babynames.com Lots of baby names plus links to other name resources, as well as an advice column and a links page.
www.babynews.com Site for posting your new arrival announcement or provide a link to your baby services site.
www.babysafe.com Royal Baby Safety. A company that sells and installs child proofing products. They have an on-line catalog as well as a page of safety tips. The site was under construction when we visited, not all the products are in the catalog yet and the on-line ordering is not available yet.
www.babysite.org This site has a links page and many other topics.
babyzone.com The Baby Zone. A large list of links with a twist, a magazine style look and well laid out categories to a select list of sites. The links may take you to a general site, or directly to a specific piece of info or article. Sites are ranked by a five star rating system and there is a brief comment about the site. They have a baby names survey and a baby photo contest, win a $50 gift certificate to ChildSecure. There is also a good list of freebies.
www.capecodbaby.com/linksinfo.html A links page.
www.charm.net/%7Etotoro/doula.html A description of what a Doula is, and links to Doula and childbirth related sites.
www.childbirth.org Lots of good links to sites and articles. They have a book store that lists related books sifted from the lists at Amazon.com. The site is created by a certified Doula who authored most of the articles at The Mining Company's pregnancy site.
cnn.com/HEALTH/indepth.health/parenting/index.html The CNN news site's parenting resource, with articles and links for parenting, pregnancy, infants, children and more.
www.covco.com/nannie A links page, on the 1st page, click on the pregnancy button and the family button for lots of related links. Also has freebie links.
www.dan-howard.com Mothertime Stores, maternity, nursing and baby wear. You can also send a gift basket or a card. They have a links page.
dir.yahoo.com/Health/Reproductive_Health/Pregnancy_and_Birth Yahoo, a categorized search index, this is their section on pregnancy and birth.
www.dfcreations.com/nh.html Baby Naming Software home page. In addition to selling a name program, this site has good naming tips and links. Click on the button "10 Tips for Baby Naming", from there choose "Baby Name Hints" or "Links to other Baby Related sites".
www.e-bord.com/babypage/index.html The Babypage. A links page.
www.ecobaby.com Natural and ecology friendly baby products, on-line catalog. Also have articles and links.
www.efn.org/~djz/birth/birthindex.html Online Birth Center. A resource for pregnancy and birth. Articles and links.
www.eponym.org Welcome to Eponym, a baby naming resource, lot of links and search engines for baby name info.
www.kingproductions.com Tommy's CyberNursery Preemie Page. A resource for parents of a premature birth. Lots of related links. Go to the drop down list about half way down the first page to view the sub pages, the links page is called Daddy's Library. You can take a guided tour or click on "Hallway" for a site map. They have preemie message board.
www.fortunecity.com/millenium/southwater/41/index.html A links page.
www.geocities.com/Heartland/7424/jake.html Jake's Place, pregnancy links.
www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/5394/Links.htm A links page.
www.gift-of-life.com/links.htm A Links Page.
hometown.aol.com/Rexanne3/parentlinks.html A links page.
www.inciid.org InterNational Council on Infertility Information Dissemination. Huge resource for those trying to get pregnant or who can't. Large link list mostly to medical resources. You will find links to such things as beta HGC and Basal Body Temp charts.
www.ivf.com Atlanta Reproductive Health Centre WWW. A resource for infertility as well as pregnancy and related health issues. Click on Pregnancy in lower left for a links page.
www.kidsource.com Parenting resource. They have sections for newborns, toddlers, health, parenting and more. Articles and links.
www.kids-store.com Especially For You Baby Catalog, an online catalog.
www.meadjohnson.com Makers of Enfamil. Informative site with links. Enroll in their Enfamil Family Beginnings program for coupons and specials.
www.med.jhu.edu/peds/neonatology/poi.html Pediatric Points of Interest. Tons of links to related sites.
members.aol.com/justinfoxx/links.htm A child's home page, some interesting activities and some kid related links.
members.aol.com/mom4manda/pregnancy.html Pregnancy and Baby Page. A nice links page with pregnancy, birth, and parenting links as well as freebie links.
www.members.tripod.com/~jkeri/babyfreebies.htm A large list of baby freebies and company phone numbers. No fancy graphics, just lots of links and phone numbers to all kinds of free baby and pregnancy items. If you are in to freebies, there are links at the bottom of the page to other freebie lists.
members.tripod.com/~THING/grid2.html A links page to Freebie sites.
www.mommy-mall.com The Mommy Mall. As the name implies, this is a collection of links to sites selling products and services for babies and parents, as well as links to general resources.
www.mybonbon.com/midi-go-round/kiddie.htm Midi-Go-Round's Kiddie Karousel. Midi songs for babies and children, the also have links to other midi sites as well as other interesting places for young children (and their parents!)
www.namechooser.com/baby At the opening page you are met with a random name chooser, you vote for the names you are given. The results of voting through the week are shown by clicking Most Popular Names on the main page. Though a random name chooser is not very useful, their list of names is interesting because it's made up of a lot of user submitted names, you will find a lot of very unique names. But most important about this site is its link list, one of the largest, click on Baby Web Directory just below the Girl / Boy icons.
www.nerdworld.com Nerd World is a category based search index, it has the largest list of parenting, pregnancy and baby related links I have seen. So many categories it is easy to get lost. On the main page choose Living, then choose Parenting from the list on the left (which continually shows your sub categories.
www.netbaby.com A large list of links. They also maintain the @NetBaby web ring.
www.newbaby.com The Internet Nursery, web pages for your baby photos, they have a links list too.
www.novasight.com/babyeng The Baby Engine, a list of links.
www.onceuponaname.com/body_freebies.htm A list of links to Freebies, Coupons, Contests and Promotions.
www.parent.net Parent News, A Unique Opportunity for Parent Information. A parenting resource. Click on Articles to view a list of subjects. There are also sections on Health, News, Tips, and more, even Homework resources for helping the older kids with their homework questions.
www.parenthoodweb.com ParenthoodWeb, an online magazine, a pregnancy and parenting resource. Huge library of articles on a wide variety of subjects, a search feature is available. Chat, message boards, ask the experts, names, polls, links, product recalls and much more.
www.parentsclub.com Triaminic home site. Info about coughs and colds, links, even games for kids. Sign up for the club and get specials and freebies.
www.pcnet.com/~orphan National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc. Lots of medical site links.
www.prematurelyyours.com Prematurely Yours. A company selling a Baby Book specially designed for premature babies. They also have links for preemie related sites as well as preemie related chat.
www.stayhealthy.com/centers/women.cfm Health Resource Directory, pregnancy section. Links to other resources.
www.storknet.org Stork Net, The Online Resource for Parents-To-Be and New Parents. What started out as a links list has grown into a resource with user submitted articles, and now with their own staff of contributing experts. Read birth stories and pregnancy and parenting journals. Of course they still have a large list of links. Plus online shopping and a bookstore. See the site map for a convenient quick access to their features. They also have a page of parent friendly graphics sites for your web page.
www.thebabiesplanet.com The Babies Planet. A links page with a message posting board for each subject. Same as www.TheLastPlanet.com/babyhp.htm
www.thebabynet.com The BabyNet. A large site with lots of content and a huge list of baby products, manufacturers and stores. They have lists of catalogs, names, song lyrics, recipes for cravings and a whole lot more. Same site as babynet.ddwi.com, that server is faster.
www.TheLastPlanet.com/babyhp.htm The Babies Planet. A links page with a message posting board for each subject, site seems to still be under construction, the links were not working when we visited. Same as www.thebabiesplanet.com
www.tnpc.com/parentalk The National Parenting Center's ParentTalk newsletter. An online resource for parenthood. Links, chats, articles, etc.
www.tripletconnection.org The Triplet Connection, "A Network of Caring and Sharing for Families of Triplets, Quads, Quints, Sextuplets and Septuplets!". A great resource for parents of multiples. They have a large amount of links that are flagged to show the ones of interest to multiples. Plus a freebies list for multiples. Also featuring chat, questions and answers, and more.
win-edge.com/BabyLinks.htm Baby Go To Sleep's large links page.