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Catalogs and Stuff To Order
www.angelfire.com/oh/punypeople Handmade Infants' & Children's Clothing & Gifts by Puny People Paraphernalia. A company that makes custom gifts. Color catalog available.
www.ecobaby.com Request a free catalog.
www.mothersnature.com/maillist This site has a mailing list to receive quarterly catalogs and monthly newsletters.
www.fathers.com National Center For Fathering. A resource for dads.
www.fathermag.com On-line magazine for fathers.
www.fathersworld.com/features.html A Place for Fathers.
homearts.com/depts/relat/dadc1.htm Resource for Dads.
www.babycenter.com/members/profile Sends personal updates each week of your current week of your pregnancy.
www.efn.org/~djz/birth/obcnews.html A free weekly newsletter.
www.geocities.com/Heartland/6383 E-mail discussion forums for parents.
homearts.com/delivery/#subs A free weekly e-mail service.
homepages.together.net/~plomp/preglist.htm Monthly pregnancy mailing lists.
www.larktoys.com/list.cfm E-mailings about new products.
www.momsonline.com/newsletter MOTHER NEWS Newsletter. Empowering Moms with knowledge and community: get your fingers on the pulse of Moms Online.
www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/BTLdiapering An email list about diapering.
www.parenthoodweb.com/parent_cfmfiles/newsletter.cfm Parenthood Web newsletter.
www.parentsoup.com/psnews.html Parent Soup e-mail newsletter.
www.virtualflowers.com The Original Virtual Flowers. Send a congratulatory bouquet of virtual flowers via e-mail! You can also send real flowers from this site.
Health and Safety
www1.sympatico.ca/Contents/health Sympatico's (of Canada) The Healthy Way site. Lots of health related info.
www.access1.net/via Vaccine Information & Awareness. Information about the risks of immunization. They have tons of vaccine and immunization related links. They have a sister site, National Vaccine Information Center, at: www.909shot.com
www.acog.com The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist.
www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~ohioline/lines/fami.html Ohio State University's site, contains lots of articles and fact sheets on a variety of subjects.
www.ama-assn.org KidsHealth at The American Medical Association. Wait for the menu graphic to fully load, then place the cursor over "Health and Fitness Information" and a context menu will pop up (if it doesn't, wait longer or reload the page), then select "Kid's Health". A health and safety resource for newborn to 2 years. Contains information on your babies development, the latest pediatric news, childhood infections and immunization information including an immunization schedule, safety information, first aid, etc.
www.asrm.com American Society For Reproductive Medicine (formerly American Fertility Society). A medical site for doctors. For resources for patients, go to: www.asrm.com/Patients/mainpati.html
www.babybumpers.com Baby Bumpers is the name of a company providing Hearthguards, protects children from fireplaces. They have a links page at: www.babybumpers.com/otherint.htm
www.babycenter.com A large site with lots of content, much like an online magazine. Lots of pregnancy, baby, and parenting resources. Articles, information, "Ask the Experts", plus input from parents. They have message boards and chat rooms to connect with other parents. Offering a customizable personal page, an Internet Explorer 4.0 channel, and a searchable web site. They have several interactive tools, such as due date calculators, cost calculator, namers and more. Sign up to receive a monthly news letter. Other features include links, yellow pages, a glossary, product guides and recalls, parent polls and more.
www.babydoc.com Site for The Pediatrician's Library, a set of video tapes, recordings of birth classes given by Dr. John O'Connell. There is also a bimonthly article by the Doctor, and a links page.
www.babyguard.com BabyGuard is a company providing child proofing and safety products.
www.babyonline.com A full featured site, it's located in London. Requires membership to access all the features (free but you have to provide a lot of info which will be sold to advertisers).
www.babyworld.com A British full featured site.
www.cpsc.gov U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission. Research product safety info, product recalls and report unsafe products.
www.dhhs.gov US Dept. of Health and Human Services.
www.drbabyproofer.com Products for baby proofing homes.
www.drgreene.com Dr. Green's House Calls. Resources from a pediatrician.
www.evenflo.com Evenflo baby products. Nice site has lots of info, on products as well as safety tips, pregnancy and baby care. Including recall info on their own products. They have a "find the hidden hot button within the site" contest, win Evenflo products, 70 winners per month.
www.futureofchildren.org The Center for the Future of Children publishes a newsletter 3 times a year discussing problem areas for the future of children. Of interest here is a comprehensive resource on the subject of low birth weight.
www.gerber.com Gerber baby food home page, some information on health.
www.ghc.org/web Health info from Group Health Cooperative. Of interest here are the sections Children's Health and Woman's Health/Pregnancy. Under Children's health are 2 sections of note, Child development and health from birth to age 5/ Well Child News, and Infant Care: Trust Yourself an Enjoy Your Baby.
www.drgreene.com Dr. Green's House Calls. Resources from a pediatrician.
www.healthtouch.com A Health resource, not a lot on pregnancy or babies, but they have a drug look up database that will tell you about medications. Click on the Child and Teens Health for what little they have.
hlunix.ex.state.ut.us/index.html Utah Public Health site. Health resource.
www.ivf.com Atlanta Reproductive Health Centre WWW. A resource for infertility as well as pregnancy and related health issues. Click on Pregnancy in lower left for a links page.
kidshealth.org A children's health resource. Has a large section for kids to explore health by themselves, with lots of games.
www.modimes.org March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation home page. Resources for preventing and caring for birth defects and health.
www.nmchc.org The National Maternal and Child Health Clearinghouse, a branch of the US Dept of Health & Human Services. This is a new address, their old one was www.circsol.com/mch
www.stanford.edu/~holbrook Information about various prenatal test.
www.whaleto.freeserve.co.uk/vaccines.html WHALE Vaccination resource.
Medical and Government Agencies
www2.medsch.wisc.edu/childrenshosp/parents_of_preemies/index.html University of Wisconsin and The Center For Perinatal Care at Meriter Hospital Madison, Wisconsin. Information about preemies.
www.aap.org American Academy of Pediatrics. A parenting resource, mostly talks about books you can order. They publish "Pediatrics electronic pages", a medical journal, at www.pediatrics.org
www.acog.com The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist.
www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~ohioline/lines/fami.html Ohio State University's site, contains lots of articles and fact sheets on a variety of subjects.
www.asrm.com American Society For Reproductive Medicine (formerly American Fertility Society). A medical site for doctors. For resources for patients, go to: www.asrm.com/Patients/mainpati.html
www.billings-centre.ab.ca Home page of the Billings Ovulation Method, for knowing what time of the month you are able, and not able, to get pregnant.
www.calib.com/nccanch The National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information (NCCAN Clearinghouse), a national resource for professionals seeking information on child abuse and neglect. www.cdc.gov Center For Disease Control. The government agency for prevention. For Infants and Child related info go to: www.cdc.gov/health/nfantsmenu.htm for immunizations info go to: www.cdc.gov/nip/publications
www.centerforhumanreprod.com The Center for Human Reproduction. Info on infertility and pregnancy loss.
www.cpsc.gov U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission. Research product safety info, product recalls and report unsafe products.
www.cryobank.com/reporting.html A sperm bank and cord blood bank.
www.dhhs.gov US Dept. of Health and Human Services.
www.drklein.net/antibioticsandpregnancy.htm Online medical info from Dr. Klein. There is an article here on the use of antibiotics during pregnancy.
www.efa.org Epilepsy Foundation of America home page.
www.evms.edu/jones/depthome.htm Home page of the Jones Institute of Reproductive Medicine in Virginia.
www.futureofchildren.org The Center for the Future of Children publishes a newsletter 3 times a year discussing problem areas for the future of children. Of interest here is a comprehensive resource on the subject of low birth weight.
www.inciid.org InterNational Council on Infertility Information Dissemination. Huge resource for those trying to get pregnant or who can't. Large link list mostly to medical resources. You will find links to such things as beta HGC and Basal Body Temp charts.
www.ivf.com Atlanta Reproductive Health Centre WWW. A resource for infertility as well as pregnancy and related health issues. Click on Pregnancy in lower left for a links page.
www.mayohealth.org The Mayo Clinic's Health O@sis, on-line health resource. Click on Pregnancy and Children on the left hand side. These are the people who provide the medical info and answers at the Disney site family.com. Their site is searchable and they even have a drug name search engine. Their Due Date Calculator will give you several dates of milestones in your pregnancy.
www.med.jhu.edu/peds/neonatology/poi.html Pediatric Points of Interest. Tons of links to related sites.
www.modimes.org March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation home page. Resources for preventing and caring for birth defects and health.
www.niaid.nih.gov National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
www.nichd.nih.gov National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.
www.nlm.nih.gov National Medical Library.
www.nmchc.org The National Maternal and Child Health Clearinghouse, a branch of the US Dept of Health & Human Services. This is a new address, their old one was www.circsol.com/mch
www.noah-health.org NOAH - New York On-line Access to Health. Click on Health Topics and then on Pregnancy. Their selection of articles and topics is huge, and were recently updated in March '98. It includes post natal care, immunization, parenting and more.
www.obgyn.net/women/women.asp An OBGYN health resource. Women's Pavilion.
www.parentsplace.com/pregnancy/calendar Interactive Pregnancy calendar. It creates the entire 9 months, describing baby's development and providing tips along the way. After creating your calendar, save it to disk, then create a shortcut to it on your desktop. With just a click you can view your calendar. The also have bulletin boards, chat and t-shirts.
www.pcnet.com/~orphan National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc. Lots of medical site links.
www.pediatrics.org The American Academy of Pediatrics online newsletter Pediatrics Electronic Pages.
www.sandsvic.org.au SANDS Vic, a pregnancy loss support organization.
sids-network.org Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Network. A resource for support and prevention.
www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/lib_prem.htm Resource for preemies.
www.kingproductions.com Tommy's CyberNursery Preemie Page. A resource for parents of a premature birth. Lots of related links. Go to the drop down list about half way down the first page to view the sub pages, the links page is called Daddy's Library. You can take a guided tour or click on "Hallway" for a site map. They have preemie message board.
www.futureofchildren.org The Center for the Future of Children publishes a newsletter 3 times a year discussing problem areas for the future of children. Of interest here is a comprehensive resource on the subject of low birth weight.
www.nomotc.org Home of the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Club. Resources for parents of multiples.
www.tripletconnection.org The Triplet Connection, "A Network of Caring and Sharing for Families of Triplets, Quads, Quints, Sextuplets and Septuplets!". A great resource for parents of multiples. They have a large amount of links that are flagged to show the ones of interest to multiples. Plus a freebies list for multiples. Also featuring chat, questions and answers, and more.
www.twinsmagazine.com The magazine for parents of multiples. Online version of the magazine Twins.
www.twinz.com Twinz Unlimited. A site devoted to multiples.
www.angelfire.com/nj/bestbabynames A list of baby names. This page has girls names on it, for a list of boys names you can click on the link at the bottom of the girls page or go here www.angelfire.com/nj/bestbabynames/boysnames.html
www.babycenter.com A large site with lots of content, much like an online magazine. Lots of pregnancy, baby, and parenting resources. Articles, information, "Ask the Experts", plus input from parents. They have message boards and chat rooms to connect with other parents. Offering a customizable personal page, an Internet Explorer 4.0 channel, and a searchable web site. They have several interactive tools, such as due date calculators, cost calculator, namers and more. Sign up to receive a monthly news letter. Other features include links, yellow pages, a glossary, product guides and recalls, parent polls and more.
www.babynamer.com Babynamer.com is an online name research engine, although their list is fairly small, 18000, you can find a wealth of info, meanings, similar names, origins, surveys of popularity nationally and by state, as well as trends in popularity over the past 30 years, even shows you what your baby's full name will look like. Provides nicknames good and bad. They have specialized name lists like "Winners of the Indy 500", Nobel Prize winners, Romantic period writers and more.
www.babynames.com Lots of baby names plus links to other name resources, as well as an advice column and a links page.
www.dawnsoft.com A company specializing in baby related software. They have some free trial versions to download as well as FAQs on baby naming and fertility issues.
www.dfcreations.com/nh.html Baby Naming Software home page. In addition to selling a name program, this site has good naming tips and links. Click on the button "10 Tips for Baby Naming", from there choose "Baby Name Hints" or "Links to other Baby Related sites".
dspace.dial.pipex.com/town/plaza/ge75/names.htm A names page based in the UK, also has a links list.
www.behindthename.com The Etymology of First Names. Etymology is the study of the root origin of a word. This is a name list that gives origins and brief meanings. The list isn't exceptionally long, but there is a lot of unique names and more info on their origin than most lists provide. They also have links to other name and name research sites.
www.eponym.org Welcome to Eponym, a baby naming resource, lot of links and search engines for baby name info.
www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/2151 Names, brief meanings.
www.icus.com/names ICUS Software Systems' Name Analyzer. A name page, lets you search for names from the 1990 census based on most popular, least popular, even see how common your last name is.
www.imagepage.com/go4itmkt/go4it.htm Your First Name Software. Prints a certificate with information about your name. 40000 names available. Other personalized gifts.
www.indolink.com/Library/boyName.html www.indolink.com/Library/girlName.html These two links will take you to pages of names from India.
www.kabalarians.com Huge list of names (130,000?). Provides the Kabalarian Philosophy which suggests each name effects your baby's personality traits. Actually, they suggest that the name, middle initial, last name and birth date all interact to determine your babies future, and will sell you a complete report on any name. This huge list has every name and variation of spelling you can think of. Clicking on a name gives you a paragraph telling how the name effects the personality.
www.namechooser.com/baby At the opening page you are met with a random name chooser, you vote for the names you are given. The results of voting through the week are shown by clicking Most Popular Names on the main page. Though a random name chooser is not very useful, their list of names is interesting because it's made up of a lot of user submitted names, you will find a lot of very unique names. But most important about this site is its link list, one of the largest, click on Baby Web Directory just below the Girl / Boy icons.
oz.plymouth.edu/~marsi/BabyIndex.html Lots of baby names.
www.parentsoup.com A parenting resource magazine. Articles, chats, ask the Doctor, baby names, even an IE4.0 channel!
www.pathfinder.com/ParentTime/Babyname The last word on first names.
www.rajiv.org/iu/babyn.html A list of names from India.
www.thebabynet.com The BabyNet. A large site with lots of content and a huge list of baby products, manufacturers and stores. They have lists of catalogs, names, song lyrics, recipes for cravings and a whole lot more. Same site as babynet.ddwi.com, that server is faster.
www.thebabyoutlet.com/html/additional_channels/name.html This site has baby names, origin and meanings.
www.tri-cityherald.com/BABYNAMES A unique list of names. This is a list of actual names from birth records in the state of Washington with the number of occurrences for each name. A regional or national list of this type would be great. It also shows the strange spellings that parents come up with for the same name.
www.zelo.com/firstnames/index.asp Baby Names and what they mean..