Pregnancy Due Date
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Pregnancy Due Date Calculators
www.babydata.com Pregnancy and Health resource, due date and conception date calculator and more.
www.babyonline.com A full featured site, it's located in London. Requires membership to access all the features (free but you have to provide a lot of info which will be sold to advertisers).
www.erols.com/midwife A Doctor and Three Midwives. This home site for a local service has useful info for pregnant woman as well as info on midwives.
homearts.com/depts/health/00ninec2.htm The Whole Nine Months. A pregnancy resource, due date calculator, monthly break down of what to expect, etc.
www.mayohealth.org The Mayo Clinic's Health O@sis, on-line health resource. Click on Pregnancy and Children on the left hand side. These are the people who provide the medical info and answers at the Disney site family.com. Their site is searchable and they even have a drug name search engine. Their Due Date Calculator will give you several dates of milestones in your pregnancy.
members.aol.com/obcalc/index.htm Download an OB Calculator, shows due date and gestational age through out your pregnancy.
www.parentsplace.com/pregnancy/calendar Interactive Pregnancy calendar. It creates the entire 9 months, describing baby's development and providing tips along the way. After creating your calendar, save it to disk, then create a shortcut to it on your desktop. With just a click you can view your calendar. The also have bulletin boards, chat and t-shirts.
www.tollyjoy.com.sg Tolly Joy baby products site. Online catalog. They have an Obstetric Chart (used to quickly determine due date via LMP) and an immunization chart.
www.verybestbaby.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Carnation From Carnation Baby Formulas, this site provides general pregnancy, and baby information, with emphasis on health and nutrition. After you click on Pregnancy or Baby's First Year buttons on the first page, you will get a break down of the information available, click on each sections heading to go to a menu of articles on that subject. Also from the front page is the Highlights By Age button, click on the age of your baby for information about your baby's development. You can also sign up for a free subscription to their "The Very Best" magazines. For a convenient and quick overview of the site, click on the site map link on the first page.
Pregnancy Health, Medical
www1.sympatico.ca/Contents/health Sympatico's (of Canada) The Healthy Way site. Lots of health related info.
www.acog.com The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist.
www.adam.com The home site of A.D.A.M by Mindscape, that software that gives you a look inside the human body. Of interest to parents are two other titles by Mindscape: Nine Month Miracle - Conception to Birth - A Family's Interactive Guide (Software on CD) go direct to: http://education.adam.com/products/ninemonth/ninemonth.htm and Pediatricians' Home Assistant - A Medical Tutorial from Infancy to late Adolescence (Software on CD) go direct to: http://education.adam.com/products/ped/ped.htm
www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~ohioline/lines/fami.html Ohio State University's site, contains lots of articles and fact sheets on a variety of subjects.
www.babybag.com A full featured site with lots of content. Departments include pregnancy, childbirth, parenting, family fun, health and more. Lots of links. They have a "yellow pages" of baby related companies. They have an online catalog, to go direct: www.babybag.com/boutique/index.htm
www.babycenter.com A large site with lots of content, much like an online magazine. Lots of pregnancy, baby, and parenting resources. Articles, information, "Ask the Experts", plus input from parents. They have message boards and chat rooms to connect with other parents. Offering a customizable personal page, an Internet Explorer 4.0 channel, and a searchable web site. They have several interactive tools, such as due date calculators, cost calculator, namers and more. Sign up to receive a monthly news letter. Other features include links, yellow pages, a glossary, product guides and recalls, parent polls and more.
www.babyonline.com A full featured site, it's located in London. Requires membership to access all the features (free but you have to provide a lot of info which will be sold to advertisers).
www.billings-centre.ab.ca Home page of the Billings Ovulation Method, for knowing what time of the month you are able, and not able, to get pregnant.
www.centerforhumanreprod.com The Center for Human Reproduction. Info on infertility and pregnancy loss.
www.clicked.com/babytime Baby Time, a pregnancy resource. They have some ultrasound pictures.
www.drgreene.com Dr. Green's House Calls. Resources from a pediatrician.
www.drklein.net/antibioticsandpregnancy.htm Online medical info from Dr. Klein. There is an article here on the use of antibiotics during pregnancy.
www.futureofchildren.org The Center for the Future of Children publishes a newsletter 3 times a year discussing problem areas for the future of children. Of interest here is a comprehensive resource on the subject of low birth weight.
www.ghc.org/web Health info from Group Health Cooperative. Of interest here are the sections Children's Health and Woman's Health/Pregnancy. Under Children's health are 2 sections of note, Child development and health from birth to age 5/ Well Child News, and Infant Care: Trust Yourself an Enjoy Your Baby.
www.hivatis.org/pregnhiv Pregnancy and HIV.
www.ivf.com Atlanta Reproductive Health Centre WWW. A resource for infertility as well as pregnancy and related health issues. Click on Pregnancy in lower left for a links page.
www.stanford.edu/~holbrook Information about various prenatal test.
www.mayohealth.org The Mayo Clinic's Health O@sis, on-line health resource. Click on Pregnancy and Children on the left hand side. These are the people who provide the medical info and answers at the Disney site family.com. Their site is searchable and they even have a drug name search engine. Their Due Date Calculator will give you several dates of milestones in your pregnancy.
www.mjbovo.com/Obstetetrics.htm Dr. Bovo's Home Page, author of "The Family Pregnancy". Her page has some good info about child birth, including birth plans and packing your Labor and Delivery suitcase.
www.modimes.org March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation home page. Resources for preventing and caring for birth defects and health.
www.ob-ultrasound.net Obstetric Ultrasound, A Comprehensive Guide, by Joeseph Woo. Everything you ever wanted to know about ultrasound, with lots of pictures an dozens of links. A site for doctors to learn more about the use of ultrasound in pregnancy, but has lots of interesting info parents may find useful. There are a lot of links to other ultrasound related sites, as well as a link for each mention of a medical condition where you can get more info on it. About half way down the page is the link to the Picture Gallery. Check out the emerging technology of 3D Ultrasound. The site can be slow at times, be patient, if something doesn't load, click again. If you can't get in, try during a less busy time.
users.aol.com/nutrigenie/ngpn41 NutriGenie Pregnancy Nutrition software.
pregnancy.miningco.com A pregnancy and childbirth resource by Robin Weiss. Lots of articles on a wide range of subjects, as well as message boards, chats, a newsletter, links and more. They have an ultrasound section with pictures, and you can submit your own. Plus a Baby Shower games and info.
www.stayhealthy.com/centers/women.cfm Health Resource Directory, pregnancy section. Links to other resources.
www.womenshealth.org A Forum for Women's Health
Pregnancy Planners
www.babyserv.com Offers a package which includes downloadable software, cd-rom, instructional videos on safety, baby's health, helpful diagrams on fetal development, interviews with real moms, interactive games. The Babylinks software allows you to create a custom BabySite web page, to which articles and timely pregnancy tips and more will be automatically delivered. Friends and family can then access your site with a password.
www.babyworld.com A British full featured site.
www.mjbovo.com/Obstetetrics.htm Dr. Bovo's Home Page, author of "The Family Pregnancy". Her page has some good info about child birth, including birth plans and packing your Labor and Delivery suitcase.
www2.medsch.wisc.edu/childrenshosp/parents_of_preemies/index.html University of Wisconsin and The Center For Perinatal Care at Meriter Hospital Madison, Wisconsin. Information about preemies.
www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/lib_prem.htm Resource for preemies.
www.kingproductions.com Tommy's CyberNursery Preemie Page. A resource for parents of a premature birth. Lots of related links. Go to the drop down list about half way down the first page to view the sub pages, the links page is called Daddy's Library. You can take a guided tour or click on "Hallway" for a site map. They have preemie message board.
www.futureofchildren.org The Center for the Future of Children publishes a newsletter 3 times a year discussing problem areas for the future of children. Of interest here is a comprehensive resource on the subject of low birth weight.
www.prematurelyyours.com Prematurely Yours. A company selling a Baby Book specially designed for premature babies. They also have links for preemie related sites as well as preemie related chat.
www.tinybundles.com Tiny Bundles specializes in clothing for premature or low birth weight babies.
www.tinylittleclothes.com This site sells clothing, accessories and gifts for preemies and growing babies up to 26 lbs - including hard-to-find disposable preemie diapers, and adorable little "take-me-home" outfits for preemie and newborn sizes.
www.adam.com The home site of A.D.A.M by Mindscape, that software that gives you a look inside the human body. Of interest to parents are two other titles by Mindscape: Nine Month Miracle - Conception to Birth - A Family's Interactive Guide (Software on CD) go direct to: http://education.adam.com/products/ninemonth/ninemonth.htm and Pediatricians' Home Assistant - A Medical Tutorial from Infancy to late Adolescence (Software on CD) go direct to: http://education.adam.com/products/ped/ped.htm
www.babyserv.com Offers a package which includes downloadable software, cd-rom, instructional videos on safety, baby's health, helpful diagrams on fetal development, interviews with real moms, interactive games. The Babylinks software allows you to create a custom BabySite web page, to which articles and timely pregnancy tips and more will be automatically delivered. Friends and family can then access your site with a password.
www.babytoons.com Download a free trial version of BabyToons, educational software for babies and toddlers.
www.dawnsoft.com A company specializing in baby related software. They have some free trial versions to download as well as FAQs on baby naming and fertility issues.
www.daxinnovations.com An online catalog of parenting software. They also operate a Baby Registry service for retailers.
www.grolier.com Children's book clubs. Computer software.
www.imagepage.com/go4itmkt/go4it.htm Your First Name Software. Prints a certificate with information about your name. 40000 names available. Other personalized gifts.
www.magmacom.com/~reynolds/modetail.html Mom To Be software from Macro Software. From preconception to birth, this program provides helpful info, details such as fertility timing, due date, fetal development and more. A shareware version is downloadable!
members.aol.com/obcalc/index.htm Download an OB Calculator, shows due date and gestational age through out your pregnancy.
www.mpsinc.com/indexfrt.html Fertility Forecaster Pregnancy Program from Mocro-Processor Services. A site selling software targeted at doctor's offices.
users.aol.com/nutrigenie/ngpn41 NutriGenie Pregnancy Nutrition software.
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