Parenting |
www.afreehome.com/nursing/index.html This is a web site with free information for nursing mothers. You can print instructions on how to convert regular clothes into nursing clothes.
www.baby-care.com/index.shtml This site's goal is to provide you with important, useful, and "fun" information regarding all aspects of infant care.
www.babybag.com A full featured site with lots of content. Departments include pregnancy, childbirth, parenting, family fun, health and more. Lots of links. They have a "yellow pages" of baby related companies. They have an online catalog, to go direct: www.babybag.com/boutique/index.htm
www.babycenter.com A large site with lots of content, much like an online magazine. Lots of pregnancy, baby, and parenting resources. Articles, information, "Ask the Experts", plus input from parents. They have message boards and chat rooms to connect with other parents. Offering a customizable personal page, an Internet Explorer 4.0 channel, and a searchable web site. They have several interactive tools, such as due date calculators, cost calculator, namers and more. Sign up to receive a monthly news letter. Other features include links, yellow pages, a glossary, product guides and recalls, parent polls and more.
www.babynames.com Lots of baby names plus links to other name resources, as well as an advice column and a links page.
www.beech-nut.com Beech-Nut home site. Information about their baby food and tips on when and what to feed your baby.
www.birthsource.com BirthSource provides a wealth of information for expectant parents as well as perinatal health care professionals.
www.breastfeedingbasics.com The mother of six breastfed children, and an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) with over twenty years experience in lactation counseling, offer's the best breastfeeding products on the market, and professional advice and information as well.
www.capecodbaby.com This site has a lot of focus in the Cape Code area. It also has a lot of useful links and information including an online classifieds section.
cgi.pathfinder.com/cgi-bin/parenttime/home/homepage.cgi Parent Time. A magazine style site with lots of info.
cnn.com/HEALTH/indepth.health/parenting/index.html The CNN news site's parenting resource, with articles and links for parenting, pregnancy, infants, children and more.
www.dailyparent.com A magazine style resource of articles on many aspects of pregnancy, birth, babies and parenting.
www.drbabyproofer.com Products for baby proofing homes.
www.drgreene.com Dr. Green's House Calls. Resources from a pediatrician.
They offer free subscriptions to print magazines at this site.
www.envisagedesign.com/ohbaby Parenting resource.
www.family.go.com A magazine style parenting resource from Disney. Click on Parenting in the menu on the upper left, you will go to a page offering some feature articles. From there you can look up articles based on subject and age, or uses the search features. The articles tend to be short, they are excerpts from various books on the subjects. They also have message boards.
www.familyinternet.com A family resource, click on 'Parenting' in the drop down menu in the bottom frame.
www.familyweb.com A parenting resource. Pregnancy and birth section is at: www.familyweb.com/pregnancy/natal/index.html
www.fathermag.com On-line magazine for fathers.
www.fathers.com National Center For Fathering. A resource for dads.
www.geocities.com/Heartland/6383 E-mail discussion forums for parents.
www.geocities.com/Heartland/8148 The Kidz Are People Too Page - Attached Parenting Resources. Resources for attachment parenting.
homearts.com/depts/family/00dpftc1.htm Family Time, resource for parenting.
homearts.com/depts/relat/dadc1.htm Resource for Dads.
www.iamyourchild.org A resource for parenting and child development prenatal to 3 years.
www.kidslikeours.com Kids Like Ours. This site includes games, songs, flannel board stories, shareware downloads, book reviews, a story, and projects for children as well as tips, and quotes for adults. Plus More!
www.kidsource.com Parenting resource. They have sections for newborns, toddlers, health, parenting and more. Articles and links.
members.aol.com/BABYFORUM/index.htm The Baby Forum. On-line version of the newsletter. Some parenting resources, plus a freebies page.
members.aol.com/mom4manda/pregnancy.html Pregnancy and Baby Page. A nice links page with pregnancy, birth, and parenting links as well as freebie links.
www.momslife.com Mom's Life, A Place For Parents to Meet in Cyberspace. A magazine style resource for moms (and dads!) on pregnancy, baby care, parenting and more. With message boards, chats, tips and an "ask the Nurse" section.
www.momsonline.com Moms Online. A full featured magazine style resource for Moms online (and Dads too!). Lots of articles, tips and more on a wide variety of subjects. Chat rooms, message boards, baby namer, baby shower games and gift ideas, monthly e-mail newsletter and more.
www.montana.com/lighthearts Elisabeth Hallett's Home Page, author of "Soul Trek". This site contains many stories about three aspects of parenting, communicating with your baby before birth, bonding after birth, and family living. Related links.
www.pampers.com Pampers Home Page.
www.parent.net Parent News, A Unique Opportunity for Parent Information. A parenting resource. Click on Articles to view a list of subjects. There are also sections on Health, News, Tips, and more, even Homework resources for helping the older kids with their homework questions.
www.parenthoodweb.com ParenthoodWeb, an online magazine, a pregnancy and parenting resource. Huge library of articles on a wide variety of subjects, a search feature is available. Chat, message boards, ask the experts, names, polls, links, product recalls and much more.
www.parenting-qa.com Parenting Questions and Answers. Resource for parents.
www.parentsplace.com A parenting resource, lots of articles, mostly from other parents. Plus bulletin boards, chats, surveys and recipes. www.parentsoup.com A parenting resource magazine. Articles, chats, ask the Doctor, baby names, even an IE4.0 channel!
www.parenttime.com Parenting & Pregnancy Advisor.
www.parentzone.com A parenting resource. Several sub sites, such as Executive Baby.
www.sgtmoms.com A family resource for military families.
This is an online educational store for parents with children 3 to 14 years old.
The Company offers thousands of quality educational books, software, games,
hands-on activities, and services from over 100 leading manufacturers. SmarterKids.com
provides parents with the information, advice and tools they need to find the
best educational products and services for their individual children.
www.elainegibson.net/parenting/index.html The Challenge of Difficult Children. A resource for parents.
www.storknet.org Stork Net, The Online Resource for Parents-To-Be and New Parents. What started out as a links list has grown into a resource with user sumitted articles, and now with their own staff of contributing experts. Read birth stories and pregnancy and parenting journals. Of course they still have a large list of links. Plus online shopping and a bookstore. See the site map for a convenient quick access to their features. They also have a page of parent friendly graphics sites for your web page.
www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/infants Parenting resource.
www.thecybermom.com The online resource for Mom's with modems. Not really very baby related, but a nice hang out for Moms online.
www.tnpc.com/parentalk The National Parenting Center's ParentTalk newsletter. An online resource for parenthood. Links, chats, articles, etc.
www.pampers.com/ppi Total Baby Care - Pampers Parenting Institute. The Pampers site, lots of parenting info, with a section by T. Berry Brazelton.
cf.uwex.edu/ics/infosource/parenting.cfm Parenting The First Year. Lot of information on caring for your newborn.
www.wahm.com Work At Home Moms. A resource for those who work at home, or would like to.
Potty Training
www.timl.com/ipt Infant Potty Training.