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www.2bparent.com Home page for "Make Way for Baby", a prenatal learning video.
www.makewayforbaby.com Make Way For Baby. A company selling a prenatal stimulation video tape.
www.angelfire.com/oh/punypeople Handmade Infants' & Children's Clothing & Gifts by Puny People Paraphernalia. A company that makes custom gifts. Color catalog available.
www.audrey-enterp.com Custom Crib Sets and gifts.
www.baby-cakes.com Selling "baby cakes", which are gift baskets for new parents that look like cakes. Online ordering Available.
www.babybag.com A full featured site with lots of content. Departments include pregnancy, childbirth, parenting, family fun, health and more. Lots of links. They have a "yellow pages" of baby related companies. They have an online catalog, to go direct: www.babybag.com/boutique/index.htm
www.babyblanket.com Jan's Custom Knits, Personalized Baby Blankets. They also have a page of Baby Shower Games.
www.babyblankets.com Personalized Monogrammed Gifts by Initial Touch Monogramming. They also have a page with Baby Shower games.
www.babyblankie.com Selling baby blankets. Online ordering and toll free number available.
www.babyblooms.com Handcrafted infant and baby gifts, clothing and accessories, including hand-smocked, cross-stitched and personalized items.
www.babybox.com Offers unique, quality baby gifts including baby clothes, toys, blankets, bassinets, crib bedding, nursery furnishings, quilts, stuffed animals and personalized gifts. Baby shower games, recipes and gift registry.
www.babybumpers.com Baby Bumpers is the name of a company providing Hearthguards, protects children from fireplaces. They have a links page at: www.babybumpers.com/otherint.htm
www.babycatalog.com The Baby Catalog of America. Large baby products catalog.
www.babydoc.com Site for The Pediatrician's Library, a set of video tapes, recordings of birth classes given by Dr. John O'Connell. There is also a bimonthly article by the Doctor, and a links page.
www.babyfair.net Virtual Baby Fair. An on-line mall of baby product sellers. They also have links.
www.babyfaceframes.com Baby Face Frames, Inc., provides unique personalized items for infants and toddlers.
www.babyguard.com BabyGuard is a company providing child proofing and safety products.
www.babyheirlooms.com Baby Heirlooms catalog. Toys, clothes and gifts. Mail order via 800 number.
www.babyholder.com Mother's Nature, baby slings and other products.
www.babyjogger.com The Baby Jogger Company, makers of jogging strollers.
www.babysafe.com Royal Baby Safety. A company that sells and installs child proofing products. They have an on-line catalog as well as a page of safety tips. The site was under construction when we visited, not all the products are in the catalog yet and the on-line ordering is not available yet.
- SEE SHELL BABY CARRIER -This lightweight safe baby
carrier is designed for infant safety and comfort while keeping your child close
at hand. Our all new patented metal alloy handle makes the "See Shell
Baby Carrier" extremely safe and durable while greatly reducing strain on
your arms and back.
www.babyserv.com Offers a package which includes downloadable software, cd-rom, instructional videos on safety, baby's health, helpful diagrams on fetal development, interviews with real moms, interactive games. The Babylinks software allows you to create a custom BabySite web page, to which articles and timely pregnancy tips and more will be automatically delivered. Friends and family can then access your site with a password.
www.babyshop.com.au An online baby products store, located in Australia.
www.babysongs.com Home Site for Baby Songs, a series of musical videos available in major store chains. Information about their products, including song lyrics and more. Online ordering available.
www.babystyle.com They offer maternity and baby merchandise from around the world. They also have a gift registry.
www.babysroom.com USA Baby home site (a retailer). Some baby resources.
www.BabyUniverse.com Online baby store.
www.babyworld.com A British full featured site.
www.babywrap.com BabyWrap Outdoor Baby Blankets home page.
www.beeastarcreateabook.safeshopper.com Personalized books and gifts for children. Make your loved one the "Star" of the story! Plus.. you will have created a "Treasured" family keepsake.
www.blankees.com Blankees, Personalized Baby Blankets. Online ordering available. They also have a links page and a monthly contest for a free blanket.
bne004i.webcentral.com.au/catalogue/vs5967/cache/header-1__0-0.html?cache=no Ausbaby Clothing, an Australian baby clothes maker.
www.booksamerica.com On-line book store with reviews of books.
www.borntolove.com Baby products and diapering resource, similar to their sister site webhome.idirect.com/~born2luv/d-list.html. Click on "World Wide Diapering Resource Pages" link for diaper info.
www.breastfeeding.net B.A.B.Y. Breastfeeding Assistance for Baby & You. Company selling breastfeeding products, has many resources for breastfeeding.
www.breastfeedingbasics.com The mother of six breastfed children, and an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) with over twenty years experience in lactation counseling, offer's the best breastfeeding products on the market, and professional advice and information as well.
www.centuryproducts.com Home page for Century. Info about their products, how to buy a car seat, safety and more.
www.childbirth.org Lots of good links to sites and articles. They have a book store that lists related books sifted from the lists at Amazon.com. The site is created by a certified Doula who authored most of the articles at The Mining Company's pregnancy site.
www.childcraftind.com Home Page for Child Craft furniture.
www.coat.com/babydepot Burlington Coat Factory's Baby Depot. Store locator. They now have an on-line catalog, order via 800 number.
www.combistrollers.com/index.htm Home page of Combi Strollers.
www.dan-howard.com Mothertime Stores, maternity, nursing and baby wear. You can also send a gift basket or a card. They have a links page.
www.dawnsoft.com A company specializing in baby related software. They have some free stuff to download as well as FAQs on baby naming and fertility issues.
www.daxinnovations.com An online catalog of parenting software. They also operate a Baby Registry service for retailers.
www.drbabyproofer.com Products for baby proofing homes.
www.ecobaby.com Natural and ecology friendly baby products, on-line catalog. Also have articles and links.
www.estyle.com Huge online catalog. Order online or by toll free number. They have a large assortment of products with a search engine to help you through it. As well as a gift finder that will locate items of a certain price range. There is also a Baby Registry. You can sign up to be notified by e-mail of any specials. The have a chat center with a number of topics. Plus product advice, and a product recall database. There is a nifty product ratings feature that compares which features each product has. Check the Clearance Center for specials as well as the front page for sales.
www.evenflo.com Evenflo baby products. Nice site has lots of info, on products as well as safety tips, pregnancy and baby care. Including recall info on their own products. They have a "find the hidden hot button within the site" contest, win Evenflo products, 70 winners per month.
www.footsierest.com This site offers a footrest product that works with a child's safety seat called a FootsieRest.
www.geniusbabies.com Selling baby gifts and earl development toys. Online ordering available.
www.gift-of-life.com Selling their book, Gift of Life, Spiritual Companion for the Mother To Be.
www.gobabies.com Go Babies, Travel and Convenience Items for Young Children. Company selling diaper change kits, disposable bibs, and gift packages containing the two.
www.grolier.com Children's book clubs. Computer software.
www.gund.com Gund stuffed toys. After entering their site click on Gund Family Tree then click on Baby Gund. They offer coupons to those who register. The server is slow so be patient.
www.hibaby.com Infant clothing, also have contests, baby registry, message board.
hometown.aol.com/Whodathot1 A page selling humorous "survival kit" gifts. Of interest are the new parent and new grand parent kits.
www.huggies.com Explore Huggies World. Info about Huggies diapers, plus some tips for parents and contests for free Huggies.
www.intercenter.com A general on-line catalog, click on Nursery for baby stuff, not much of a selection.
www.estyle.com Huge online catalog. Order online or by toll free number. They have a large assortment of products with a search engine to help you through it. As well as a gift finder that will locate items of a certain price range. There is also a Baby Registry. You can sign up to be notified by e-mail of any specials. The have a chat center with a number of topics. Plus product advice, and a product recall database. There is a nifty product ratings feature that compares which features each product has. Check the Clearance Center for specials as well as the front page for sales.
www.ishtot.com Gift baskets.
www.jcpenney.com Penney's online store.
www.just-for-kids.com An on-line bookstore specializing in kids. Of interest is the section Infant and Toddler and the section Kid Related Books for Adults, with pregnancy and baby related books.
www.kids-store.com Especially For You Baby Catalog, an online catalog.
www.kidcarpet.com Kids' carpets and rugs that make great educational furnishings for children. They are perfect for decorating family rooms, playrooms, childrens bedrooms, schools, waiting rooms, and childcare centers.
www.lact-aid.com Lact-Aid breast feeding products.
www.larktoys.com Lark Toys on-line catalog. Check out their contests and drawings for free stuff.
www.legendsandlore.com Legends & Lore -- for Puppets, Toys and a Whole lot More.
www.lego.com/play The Lego building blocks Parent's Page. Provides info on how their toys can stimulate development. You might be surprised at the variety of toys for all ages, including newborns.
www.lilcherub.com Elegant and Unique Gifts. This site specializes in handmade embroidered Infant keepsakes and gifts.
www.littledidiknow.com An on-line gift shop and directory of unique keepsakes and gifts for baby, child and mother.
www.littlekoala.com The Mother and Baby Catalog. Makers of pregnancy and baby products, mostly clothing.
www.littlelids.com Hats, Hats and more Hats!
www.lullabyshoppe.com Selling children's music.
www.magmacom.com/~reynolds/modetail.html Mom To Be software from Macro Software. From preconception to birth, this program provides helpful info, details such as fertility timing, due date, fetal development and more. A shareware version is downloadable!
www.mako.com.au/babymall Internet Baby Mall. An Australia based mall, products, catalogs, freebies.
www.maternal-instincts.com On-line catalog of maternity clothes. 800 number.
www.meadjohnson.com Makers of Enfamil. Informative site with links. Enroll in their Enfamil Family Beginnings program for coupons and specials.
www.meijer.com Meijer is a store in Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan. If you are near one, they have a baby club and on-line contests for freebies.
members.aol.com/babymap1/home.htm The Baby Map. Expecting a baby is a lot like a hurricane, you predict when it will arrive, name it, then track its development, then it hits in a whirlwind of activity. Track the arrival of your little hurricane with the Baby Map. A web page selling a pregnancy development chart.
members.aol.com/JBell800 Selling personalized Baby Blankets. Mail order only.
www.mindspring.com/~wombsnd Transitions Music, makers of the Womb Sound Music Series to soothe babies to sleep.
www.mommy-mall.com The Mommy Mall. As the name implies, this is a collection of links to sites selling products and services for babies and parents, as well as links to general resources.
www.mpsinc.com/indexfrt.html Fertility Forecaster Pregnancy Program from Mocro-Processor Services. A site selling software targeted at doctor's offices.
www.munchkininc.com Munchkin Inc. makers of baby products. Site has information, tips, specials and a monthly baby photo contest with a prize of a $50 gift package.
www.mustela.com Makers of pregnancy and infant personal care products.
www.mwfp.com Fisher Price home page.
www.mystorybooks.com My Storybooks of the Northwest. Offers a large line of personalized books including Baby Books, birthday books, storybooks and more. Plus special personalized baby books for adoptions, twins and single parents, siblings, even potty training.
www.nidlink.com/~dljpark/custom.html Precious Knits, have your photo weaved into an Afghan.
www.nurseryrhymes.com Home page for a baby products store in Canada, no online ordering.
www.onceuponaname.com Gifts featuring babies name, origin and meaning.
www.orajel.com Orajel's home site. Info and tips. Coupons and rebates available.
www.oshkoshbgosh.com OshKosh B'Gosh home site. Baby clothes and accessories.
users.aol.com/nutrigenie/ngpn41 NutriGenie Pregnancy Nutrition software.
www.pampers.com/ppi Total Baby Care - Pampers Parenting Institute. The Pampers site, lots of parenting info, with a section by T. Berry Brazelton.
www.parentsclub.com Triaminic home site. Info about coughs and colds, links, even games for kids. Sign up for the club and get specials and freebies.
www.peapods.com Natural Attachment Parenting Products.
www.pfizer.com/chc Makers of Desitin, RID, Cortizone and Bain De Soleil, Visine. Includes Q&As with helpful info.
www.prematurelyyours.com Prematurely Yours. A company selling a Baby Book specially designed for premature babies. They also have links for preemie related sites as well as preemie related chat.
www.pull-ups.com The Pull-Ups home page. Includes toilet training info etc.
www.romsoft.net/~simo Home site for Simo Strollers.
www.royalbaby.com Little Prince and Princess, on-line baby catalog.
www.rubbermaid.com Home Page for Rubbermaid. Click on logos for Graco and Little Tikes to visit those product lines.
www.safetycounts.com The Safety Counts Collection, online catalog.
www.sears.com Sears online store.
www.seahaventowels.com Sea Haven Towels is the maker of customized infant and children's hooded towels.
www.similac.com Homepage for Similac formulas and their Welcome Addition Club, receive free formula, coupons, etc.
This is an online educational store for parents with children 3 to 14 years old.
The Company offers thousands of quality educational books, software, games,
hands-on activities, and services from over 100 leading manufacturers. SmarterKids.com
provides parents with the information, advice and tools they need to find the
best educational products and services for their individual children.
www.stillworks.com Selling pregnancy, nursing, diapering & baby items.
www.stork.com The Stork Delivers, gifts for newborns.
www.thebabylane.com Selling baby products.
www.thebabynet.com The BabyNet. A large site with lots of content and a huge list of baby products, manufacturers and stores. They have lists of catalogs, names, song lyrics, recipes for cravings and a whole lot more. Same site as babynet.ddwi.com, that server is faster.
Baby Outlet
site has an online store, a nanny directory, a gift finder, chat rooms and more.
www.thebabyphotographer.com This site specializes in custom portriat's of babies and toddlers in black & white, color and infrared.
www.thechangingtable.com Selling baby related products. Online ordering available.
www.tinybundles.com Tiny Bundles specializes in clothing for premature or low birth weight babies.
www.tinylittleclothes.com This site sells clothing, accessories and gifts for preemies and growing babies up to 26 lbs - including hard-to-find disposable preemie diapers, and adorable little "take-me-home" outfits for preemie and newborn sizes.
www.tollyjoy.com.sg Tolly Joy baby products site. Online catalog. They have an Obstetric Chart (used to quickly determine due date via LMP) and an immunization chart.
www.turnertoys.com Natural wood toys for infant, toddler, preschool. Wooden toy spinning tops, unit blocks, wood toy trains, woodkins, natural wooden baby teething rattles, peg-pounders, stacking rings, lacing beads and playhouses can be found at this site.
www.usababy.com USA Baby home site. USA Baby is a baby store chain. There is info here about their stores as well as useful info about babies in general, including a layette checklist you can print out.
www.verybestbaby.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Carnation From Carnation Baby Formulas, this site provides general pregnancy, and baby information, with emphasis on health and nutrition. After you click on Pregnancy or Baby's First Year buttons on the first page, you will get a break down of the information available, click on each sections heading to go to a menu of articles on that subject. Also from the front page is the Highlights By Age button, click on the age of your baby for information about your baby's development. You can also sign up for a free subscription to their "The Very Best" magazines. For a convenient and quick overview of the site, click on the site map link on the first page.
webhome.idirect.com/~born2luv Born To Love diapering resource, click on the link "World Wide Diapering Resource Pages" for more. Similar to the site www.borntolove.com
www.weeshop.com Online catalog for Kooshies brand diapers and baby products.
win-edge.com/BabyGoToSleep.shtml Baby Go To Sleep...GUARANTEED to quiet crying babies, fussy newborns, colicky, or premature infants, soothing them to sleep. They give help to parents of newborn babies, and children up to age six.
A Unique Photo Keepsake. Your baby's photo, family name and birth
information on personalized baby food labels.