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Lyrics to Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes
Midi sites of Baby related Songs
Wav files of Baby related Songs and Sounds
Baby related Graphics
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Lyrics to Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes
www.kididdles.com Lullabies and other Songs for Children. Lyrics to over 400 songs.
www.thebabynet.com The BabyNet. A large site with lots of content and a huge list of baby products, manufacturers and stores. The have lists of catalogs, names, song lyrics, recipes for cravings and a whole lot more. Same site as www.babynet.com.
www.zelo.com/firstnames/index.asp Baby Names and what they mean.
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Midi Sites of Baby related Songs
Here are sites that have midi and wav files that mostly pertain to baby and children's songs.
www.niehs.nih.gov/kids/music.htm This site is set up as a sing a long, each page has a song with lyrics.
Here are some midi files you can get right now from us!
Click on them to listen. If you would like to use them on your own web page, please do not link to them on our server, just right click on the player and then choose "save as" to save it to your computer. Then upload it with your web page to your server.
ABC - The Alphabet Song" The tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.
Brahms Lullaby The most well known lullaby, this version is for piano.
Brahms Lullaby 2 This version for piano with orchestra, is softer then the above version.
Forrest Gump Suite Not really for baby but has a pleasant sound.
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star A very nice version.
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Wav files of Baby related Songs and Sounds
Brahm's Lullaby Music Box A recording from a music box of the famous lullaby.
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Baby related Graphics
www.coolbabygraphics.com Home page for a web page and graphic design business. Click on the "free stuff" link for graphics you can use.
www.garnerville.com/garnergraphics/baby/index.html Graphics.
www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/2512/graphics.html Graphics.
www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/6385/crib1.html A page called Crib Graphics, with baby related web page graphics and backgrounds.
CdLS-KIDS Graphics.
www.patswebgraphics.com A large collection of web page design graphics, some are baby related.
www.rats2u.com/clipart/animation/clipart_baby.htm Links to graphics.
www.snowcrest.net/kitty/hpages/index.html Animated graphics, some baby related. Click on the word "Animation".
Storknet Graphics Page A links page to "parent friendly" graphics sites.
Here are some graphics you can get right now from us!
If you would like to use them on your own web page, please do not link to them on our server, just right click on the image and then choose "save as" to save it to your computer. Then upload it with your web page to your server.