A 46 inch circular saw blade runs at 500 RPM
It has 32 inserted teeth
Each tooth is replaceable but can be sharpened
A "shank" holds in an "inserted tooth"

View from the "Head Sawyer's" platform
The "Head Sawyer" operates the mill and decides on each cut

The "stick" operates the carriage forward and back
The stick is the control that moves the log into the blade

Four headblocks with sharp "dogs" hold the log
As they move forward the log is advanced closer to the blade for each cut

The scoreboard allows the Sawyer to set the log for each cut
The marks allow boards of varying thickness to be cut plus allowing for the "kerf" of the blade
The log carriage wheels run on track
The track must be aligned perfectly past the blade

The mill tracks are 45 feet long
The cable drum winds the steel cable
The cable moves the log carriage forward and back

A log deck for rolling the logs onto the carriage
The deck is made of steel railroad rails

Poplar (Aspen) logs loaded on the deck
The deck is filled with logs before sawing

The log is first squared into a "cant"
This log already has three sides cut and a first pass on this face

A Ford Commander 6000 tractor powers the mill
This old Ford runs well but has no forward gears

The PTO (Power Take Off) from the Ford turns the main shaft (arbor)
The arbor turns the blade and powers the receder

(Hydraulics power a motor that runs the cable drum
The Ford provides the hydraulic power

The power receder speeds up sawing by moving the headblocks with live power
The taperlevers
Levers allow the headblocks to be staggered for tapered logs

The rollers help roll away the cut lumber
The "Tail Sawyer" removes cut boards
The mill was mounted on a truck frame by a past owner
He had used the truck engine to drive it on the road

Sawdust piles up, a major byproduct
The sawdust chain moves it away from the blade
Hemlock and Poplar boards pile up

After a few hours sawing
No Tail Sawyer and the slabs and lumber pile up

Slab management is a major job
Firewood is the only use for slabwood

Slabwood is cut into firewood