D'arc Estate

The Headless Housemaid

In 2008, I was involved in preparations for a craft fair in November, and didn't have time to put together much of a haunt. My house was a disaster (housecleaning had suffered), and I didn't have time to tidy before Halloween night. So, I came up with a quick and easy plan that took place outside.

I dressed in a full skirt complete with white cap and glasses perched on my nose. As guests approached the door, they picked up an invitation for Dr. VonD'arc's prestigious party.

But when I answered the door, I appologized profusely because my housemaid had run off to get married, and I was left with a messy house unfit for party guests. I gave them a treat and sadly turned them away.




Then, as people were walking out to their cars, a horseman (my brother-in-law) appeared, riding out from behind the house. He was headless. Behind him sat my housemaid (his wife), also headless, waving her dust broom. They rode a little ways, then turned around and rode back. Everyone got a kick out of their appearance.

To make my in-laws headless, I started with an overcoat for the man and stuffed the shoulders with whatever I could find to make the overcoat high enough to cover his head. We tried to put some black mesh in front of his face, but it fell off during his numerous rides, and it was dark enough that he didn't really need it.

For the woman, I used a large, bright colored dress, and stuffed the shoulders, just like the overcoat. I pinned a hat over the top with a piece of black fabric hanging in front, so that her head wouldn't show.

I think they were a little uncomfortable, but I was sure grateful they were such great sports to help me out--I'm no horsewoman!