D'arc Estate

Here, Thar Be Pirates!

Avast there, ye mateys!

In 2003, I was finally free to do something more elaborate. I chose a pirate theme and planned the haunt for 2 rooms.

In the first room, I created an underwater grotto. I hung fish (including a shark) made out of cardstock from the ceiling with thread and dressed one of my daughter's dolls as a mermaid. In one corner I used an old chest I had in the attic and lumped a spare piece of green fabric over it with eyes pinned on to look like an octopus. Large pieces of fabric marked the path for visitors to follow, and I taped black paper over the window so I could use blue and green light bulbs. I recorded underwater whale sounds to play.


Glum D'arc

In the second room--our garage--I blew up my daughter's swimming pool and filled it with balloons. Under the balloons, I had halloween goodies like pumpkin-shaped frisbees, treasure chests full of candy, skull rings, etc. A large house plant and stuffed parrot completed the look. The carpet on the floor was an old carpet that had been ruined when our house flooded earlier that year: it looked kind-of like sand.

When guests arrived, pirate music was playing from the open window of the garage as they walked up the sidewalk. (This included songs like "I am a Pirate King" from The Pirates of Penzance--and any other pirate song I could find.) A small plastic skeleton with gold earring and bandana perched on a pumpkin near the front door. I greeted guests dressed as a pirate, complete with accent. I handed each child a map printed from my computer on tan paper--and crumpled, torn, and tied with rough rope to look authentic. They were to use the map to find Captain D'arc's lost treasure.

I then led guests to the underwater grotto and told them not to try to get the treasure in the chest, since the octopus was particularly nasty. After that, we went down the darkened hall, passing a room with a cloth over the door and a red light behind it. In the room, I'd set up a CD player to play native drum and chant type sounds, so I warned visitors of the cannibals on the island.

Pirate Treasure

Pirate Treasure

Then we entered the garage where I encouraged the kids to "dive" into the pool and find the treasure. When I was sure everybody had something, I warned that I heard the ghost of Captain D'arc coming, and they should all flee before he arrived to seek vengeance. I let them out by the garage's side door.

The kids all loved to dive for the treasure in the swimming pool. The only problem I had was with kids taking too much treasure. I had to tell them, in character, that they could only have 1 treasure chest. But I had plenty of other toys left over from past years, so I let them take what they wanted of those.