Mail Box




We live in Upstate NY and the winters here can be harsh. Especially to mail boxes! I initially put in a cheap one with a plastic base. That lasted through one winter. The next winter it was hit by the snow blasting off the snow plow blade during some really cold weather and the plastic base holding the box to the post failed. Our mailbox and the mail ended up in the ditch. So, I made a temporary repair and vowed that the next year I would deal with that issue! So, I made a plan for a swing away box. When the snow from the blade strikes our mailbox (we have an extra large one!), it rotates out of the way to absorb the blow and can then swing right back into position. This worked well for the first year, but then one day the plow actually hit the box. The mechanism worked properly but the force of the impact did major damage to hinge on the box.



 Due to this damage I created a snow plow shield – seen in the other photos at the top - to take the blow so that the box is protected even from a direct strike. I did that several years ago and, since then, we have had no more issues. Our box is always good! It has been hit directly since then and all I’ve had to do is replace the spring once when it got hit really hard and the spring stretched out of shape. You can still see the cheap old plastic post in the background in all the images. I made a small wooden box for it that we use as a delivery box for a local paper called the PennySaver.


 2009 T. J. Pickles