Memorial Dedication

My Wandering Thoughts

A Subtle Reminder
Change Can Happen
I Remember Mama
Midlife Crisis
No Regrets
O&W Memorial Prayer
The Christ Is Risen Today
Thoughts of God Speaking
Today, and Forever
Unwarranted Duty
Winter Doldrums

On Saturday, September 27, 2008, a program to honor American Soldiers was held at the Town of Wallkill - Veteran's Memorial Park. A monument with statues representative of the presence of American soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq was dedicated during this program. I was given the distinct honor of being asked to deliver the dedication prayer and the benediction on this very moving occasion. The following is the text of that prayer of dedication and the benediction which was offered.

Almighty and everlasting God, whose greatness has been witnessed throughout the history of humanity, we stand in awe of your power and might. In humble adoration we praise your Holy Name. By your infinite wisdom you have guided our ancestors in good times as well as bad. You have ordered their lives in times of peace and through periods when distrust between peoples erupted in war. By their perseverance, we continue to know of your mercy and grace. Now we call upon you to continue to direct our steps and to order our lives, that they may be dedicated to your praise and glory.

We are gathered now in this place, a place we would set aside to honor the men and women of our armed services, men and women who, in giving of themselves, have endured separation from family and friends; have given of their time and skills; have placed freedom for others over their own safety; in the performance of duty some have paid the price of loss of bodily members; some haven given their all, even their very lives to the call to service. To all of these brave individuals we owe much gratitude. Yet, too often we have failed to recognize or appreciate their bravery, their unselfish dedication to duty, and criticized the cause for which they have been called to duty.

Today, in their honor, we now dedicate these monuments, crafted by human hands with love, as tributes to all who have answered the call to duty as members of our military forces for today, and of days gone by. No longer may we take for granted the unmentionable actions that may have been necessary in the pursuit of freedom. No longer may we fail to give thanks to those whose actions are too often left unappreciated. May this place, these monuments and statues, be a reminder of the sacrifices that have been made, and will be made, in our feeble attempts to make this world a better place. May we all be enriched by your blessings.



Now as we go our separate ways,
May the great Ruler of all high places,
The God of many names,
touch you with a wind that keeps you strong,
for all the days to come.

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