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About Us

image of GK Walker

I got my first computer in about 1985.  It was a Tandy Color Computer and not much by today's standards.  I remember getting Windows 95 and thought that was the ultimate and here I am today with Windows XP wondering if I should upgrade to Vista.

I got interested in writing a book about 5 years ago and ended up writing a WW2 Novel about a young boy who got drafted in 1942 and ended up in England flying bomber missions over France and Germany.  The name of my book is MacGregor's war and you can read more about it here.

After the book was finished, I gave some thought as to how to self publish it and by "self publish", I mean doing it all yourself at home on your own computer, the printing, the cover, the binding......the whole thing.  This web site explains in detail all of the steps to accomplish this. It also includes information on how to create and market an eBook.

If you are interested in doing this, just follow the tutorials and I'm sure you will have your own book self published in no time.  If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.